
You NEED to watch this--and GET ANGRY!



Unknown said...

It's one of those moments when you just want to pull their shirts over their heads and beat them senseless, but it wouldn't do much good because she makes no sense anyways. She can blame the "swine flu" on the president just as much as I can blame my sexual orientation on the air quality the day I was born. Have you heard about that research study - PLEASE! Sit down and shut the fuck up lady. OMG did I just say that!

XO Marie said...

This is why I can't even "STOMACH" the news anymore....
BTW:Thanks for wishin' my kiddos a happy b-day!
Have a good weekend!:)

Dads(2) said...

Love you all . . . and Marie, I'm with yah! I can't even stomach the news anymore because I just become FURIOUS! Why can't we just ALL get along . . . love one another . . . . Stop hatred!

Coach B. said...

Ouch. I'm a little concerned that people like this are making decisions for us. People who disregard facts and are only interested in their own agenda.

Dads(2) said...

Coach B----you said IT! That's exactly what people should know is going on . . . . . you rock!

rychelle said...

i get all my news from stewart and colbert.

i can't stop laughing at the voice he uses while he's quoting the bafoons. hilarious.

KT said...

Wow. I was speechless. I love Keith Olbermann--he calls it like it is, and he's mean about it! Which I think is great since I almost always agree with him. He's like the liberal Rush Limbaugh, only not a complete moron.

peewee said...

I'm so glad that people like her expose themselves...like they say, no press is bad press, and at LEAST it brought A LOT of attention to the bill at hand and the remembrance of Matthew. She didn't even realize that she was HELPING the "hoaxers!"

Kristina P. said...

Blair, I'm just checking in. We miss you!