
Melissa, Melissa, Melissa

Singer Melissa Etheridge rails against the passage of the gay-marriage ban in California—and she won't be paying the state a dime.

Okay. So Prop 8 passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think that I am a second class citizen. Alright then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to make someone pay taxes and not give them the same rights, sounds sort of like that taxation without representation thing from the history books.

Okay, cool I don't mean to get too personal here but there is a lot I can do with the extra half a million dollars that I will be keeping instead of handing it over to the state of California. Oh, and I am sure Ellen will be a little excited to keep her bazillion bucks that she pays in taxes too. Wow, come to think of it, there are quite a few of us fortunate gay folks that will be having some extra cash this year. What recession? We're gay! I am sure there will be a little box on the tax forms now single, married, divorced, gay, check here if you are gay, yeah, that's not so bad. Of course all of the waiters and hairdressers and UPS workers and gym teachers and such, they won't have to pay their taxes either.

Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away.
Oh and too bad California, I know you were looking forward to the revenue from all of those extra marriages. I guess you will have to find some other way to get out of the budget trouble you are in.


When did it become okay to legislate morality? I try to envision someone reading that legislation "eliminates the right" and then clicking yes. What goes through their mind? Was it the frightening commercial where the little girl comes home and says, "Hi mom, we learned about gays in class today" and then the mother gets that awful worried look and the scary music plays? Do they not know anyone who is gay? If they do, can they look them in the face and say "I believe you do not deserve the same rights as me"? Do they think that their children will never encounter a gay person? Do they think they will never have to explain the 20% of us who are gay and living and working side by side with all the citizens of California?

I got news for them, someday your child is going to come home and ask you what a gay person is. Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away.

I know when I grew up gay was a bad word. Homo, lezzie, faggot, dyke. Ignorance and fear ruled the day. There were so many "thems" back then. The blacks, the poor ... you know, "them". Then there was the immigrants. "Them.” Now the them is me.

I tell myself to take a breath, okay take another one, one of the thems made it to the top. Obama has been elected president. This crazy fearful insanity will end soon. This great state and this great country of ours will finally come to the understanding that there is no "them". We are one. We are united. What you do to someone else you do to yourself. That "judge not, lest ye yourself be judged" are truthful words and not Christian rhetoric.

Today the gay citizenry of this state will pick themselves up and dust themselves off and do what we have been doing for years. We will get back into it. We love this state, we love this country and we are not going to leave it. Even though we could be married in Mass. or Conn, Canada, Holland, Spain and a handful of other countries, this is our home. This is where we work and play and raise our families. We will not rest until we have the full rights of any other citizen. It is that simple, no fearful vote will ever stop us, that is not the American way.

Come to think of it, I should get a federal tax break too...


Kristina P. said...

I am excited for Obama, truthfully. I think it's a much needed change.

Whitney R said...

I'm interested to see what happens with this new president, too. It's great to be around for such a historic moment.

rychelle said...

i know this is beside the fact, but i thought those two broke up (melissa and her wife.....?)

Lee said...

Sweet, you read it!

And with Obama, I've said before that I'm not excited about Obama.
But I don't think it's so horrible for us to have change.
Hopefully some good change will come, and soon.

Jo said...

My husband and I had a long talk today about the whole "us" and "them" mentality. Why do we have to do that? Why is it for most of us to feel okay, we have to have someone to step on? I don't get it, not at all.

Wendyburd1 said...

Umm I'm from CT so HEY!! No I didn't even know WHEN "we" voted...I thought the vote was ON Election day...yeah I suck with political matters. What can I say, I am scatter brained.

Won't they arrest her for not paying taxes? I'm kinda glad I didn't know when the vote was. With my church saying vote this way, but my heart saying "Hello, if you can BE happy, BE happy", it would have been very frustrating.Everybody, let's just be happy...'kay?

XO Marie said...

This is such a hard time for many , especially those with the issue effecting our families...I wish we could all be loving to one another..and as they say..take a walk around in someone's else's shoes for a day .

Amander said...

I second Marie's comment. Ditto, Miss Marie, ditto.

Ky said...

You go Melissa! And feel free to send the tax money you won't be paying to my address. LOL.

KT said...

Come to my window! Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon! I'm basically in love with that song.

Mmm. Hmm.

KT said...

Come to my window! Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon! I'm basically in love with that song.

Mmm. Hmm.

KT said...

Why am I incapable of posting a comment only once? WHY?

Anonymous said...

Obama is the reason that Proposition 8 passed. I'm not positive, but the numbers are high (7 out of 10) black people who voted for Obama voted for Proposition 8 (to ban gay marriage). My theory is that if Obama was not the candidate (who got more black people to come out and vote for him than perhap, say, Hillary would) then Prop. 8 would not have passed.